A New Dog in Town | Oh So Cute


A New Dog in Town | Oh So Cute


A New Dog in Town | Oh So Cute.  The new puppy arrival came this morning and all the family was abuzz.  This border collie was much anticipated and welcomed like a newborn baby into the family.  Sweet as can be with the bluest of eyes he is getting use to the  household.  Joining the 3 cats, 1 bunny and 6 chickens to round out the family household….for now!

We welcome the new pup and he has been aptly named Logan.  My bet was on ‘oh so’ since I figured everyone would say oh so cute when they saw him.  Anyway the other animals, at least one of them, is feeling very displaced today.  Merging of families whether people or animals does take the right touch and sometimes just time to meld all well together.

border collie in ri real estate

sweet pup

Welcome Logan if you would and do think he is Oh SO cute too!   A New Dog in Town | Oh So Cute.


 Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to waterfront Rhode Island agent for real estate in RI and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings and important tidbits of local information.  Email me at RiByTheBay@gmail.com to make an appointment to find the home of your dreams too!
Although known as a cat lover, this RI real estate agent has a big heart for sweet dogs that are oh so cute too!
Waterfront, oceanfront, luxury and coastal Rhode Island real estate are my specialty but all of RI is my backyard.  When you are in need of a real estate professional and specialist for your buying, selling or relocating needs and an internet savvy marketer who sells RI houses in this real estate market call Ginny at 401.529.7849.