The Charlestown RI 02813 real estate market statistics for July 2010 for sold properties were as follows:
6 homes sold in Charlestown RI 02813 as follows:
1 home sold over $400,000
2 homes sold between $300,000-$400,000
3 homes sold for less than $300,000
11 homes sold in Charlestown RI 02813 in the prior month of June 2010. So July 2010 Charlestown home sales saw an decrease of 45% in homes sold over the prior month (the number of base sales are smaller which reflect in the percentage figures). What is interesting is that the lower end homes under $400,000 are the preponderance of the Charlestown home sales again this month.
Overall there were about 137 homes on the real estate market in Charlestown RI for July 2010. The number of homes on the market increased by 4 homes over the prior month. 13 homes were ‘in agreement or pending’ during July 2010 and due to close. This was a modest increase from the prior month but remains a positive sign in home sales in Charlestown.
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Ginny L. Gorman a purveyor of Fine Real Estate
cell: 401.529.7849
Charlestown, Narragansett, Jamestown, North Kingstown & South Kingstown RI homes for sale by the RI agent in the sparkly red shoes
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Ginny L. Gorman, RI Real Estate Agent 401.529.7849
Phillips Post Road Realty North Kingstown, RI 02852