When is Home Selling by a North Kingstown RI Real estate agent not Marketing at all? So tell me when is home selling by a North Kingstown RI Real Estate Agent not marketing at … [Read more...]
10 Greenway Dr., North Kingstown RI 02852 – SOLD Now!
Wickford newly renovated and well appointed 1800 sq.ft ranch-Just move in! 3 bedrooms & 1 1/2 baths...Amazing living space w/huge family/living room, new baths,septic, air conditioning, … [Read more...]
What do you Really know about Radon in Well Water?

Radon in Well Water Being a quick understudy is important as a real estate agent and when I am asked what do I know about radon in well water I need to think fast? I should have good, … [Read more...]
Are You a Gobbler or a Sipper?

Are You a Gobbler or a Sipper? During a local forum on water usage in my town recently, I was asked are you a gobbler or a sipper of our natural resource - water? There is no doubt as a homeowner, … [Read more...]