New to Market Soon | Exeter RI Home for Sale On nearly 4 1/2 acres of private country land, this stunning ranch home is soon to be on the real estate market in Exeter. Built in 2003 … [Read more...]
Waterfront Homes in RI, Ocean front Homes in Rhode Island
by Ginny
New to Market Soon | Exeter RI Home for Sale On nearly 4 1/2 acres of private country land, this stunning ranch home is soon to be on the real estate market in Exeter. Built in 2003 … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Rhode Island Waters are Sailing This Weekend! What is more pleasing on a summer's day then to watch all the sailboats on Narragansett Bay? Well if you have an … [Read more...]
by Ginny
North Kingstown Schools | 2012-2013 It is the time that parents may rejoice in and children do whine about it. The summer is nearly over officially but North Kingstown schools are … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Oak Hardwood Flooring in Rhode Island Oak is the most popular species of hardwood flooring here in Rhode Island. If you see hardwood in a home, chances are it's oak. So, why is oak … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Luxury Homes | North Kingstown | Rhode Island Real Estate 2012 Luxury Homes in North Kingstown RI line the waterfront of Narragansett Bay and inland. Sales of high end homes in the North … [Read more...]
by Ginny
South Kingstown Schools - 2012 School Calendar ! It is the time that parents rejoice in and children do whine about it - South Kingstown schools are back in session in just a week! … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Oceanfront RI Real Estate - Charlestown RI - Quonnie It is all about coastal, ocean view, waterfront and oceanfront Rhode Island real estate in Quonochontaug. A small hamlet of a … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Rhode Island Short Sales - Short Sales in RI I have been doing short sales for a number of years (since 2007) and they are not getting easier to complete. The Banks have turned over … [Read more...]
by Ginny
East Greenwich RI Real Estate Market Report July 2012 This is the East Greenwich RI Real Estate market report for July 2012, is as follows: 20 East Greenwich homes sold. 11 homes sold over … [Read more...]
by Ginny
Discover the Narragansett Real Estate Market July 2012 As one sets out to Discover the Narragansett Real Estate Market, find out the facts on home sales. 13 Narragansett homes were sold … [Read more...]
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