Wickford Cove Condos located in Wickford RI Real Estate

Low maintenance Wickford RI condo living
If you are ready to find the right RI condo to buy, contact a local waterfront RI real estate agent. I can guide you to other southern RI condo complexes that may suit your wants and needs. I would love the opportunity to help and I know the area well and live in it. Call me, Ginny Lacey Gorman, today at (401) 529-7849, or email me at RiByTheBay@gmail.com to schedule a viewing appointment today.
Wickford Cove Condos Wickford RI Real Estate.
Hi what is the price range for the smallest unit available?
Wickford Cove condos (except for the income restricted condos) sell for $550,000 on up when listed. None have come up for resale yet but expect them to be in the high $500k’s.