Festival of Lights | Voted Top 10 List of Main Streets
That is Right! Wickford RI has a main street voted in the top 10 list of main streets in the U.S. What better way to start the Christmas holiday season then to honor this historic Main Street by being on the ‘top 10 list of Main Streets’ USA!
Beginning November 29th at 6 pm, the dusk is settling over the Wickford Harbor and the lights will be bright behind me. The Wickford waterfront RI real estate here is fully decorated and ready for launch.

Wickford RI real estate Festival of Lights
The Festival of Lights in Wickford Village does not start officially until 6.
Coming into the Village before the crowds come down is a pleasure to take pictures, enjoy the thousands of sparkly white lights that line the Village and grab a chocolate goodie from the Boy Scouts sale table.
The Wickford Village stores are decorated in holiday cheer and store owners are in high spirit as customers spend the time to visit and buy their local wares.
Why not be voted to the top 10 list of Main Streets when you offer a 1709 historic Wickford Village up to people, with charm, galleries, antique and specialty shops, restaurants and boating.
It is a visitor’s dream to experience this kind of feeling in a local RI community.
And Santa will be arriving by boat shortly to the Town Dock for all children big & small to smile about….for it is the season when hopes and wishes may come true. Aah, the Festival of Lights is such a truly magnificent town event that brings out the throngs of locals and beyond.
Tree lighting, carolers, Santa arriving & shopping to be done because shopping locally to support our small stores is so important to our small businesses.

Festival of Lights | Voted Top 10 List of Main Streets
So be prepared to heat out to the Wickford Rhode Island’s Festival of Light. It will be a great night in the waterfront of Wickford for that is what makes this hamlet within North Kingstown unique. Water, water everywhere to enjoy…even Santa appreciates it for how else would he arrive?
The Festival of Lights goes on all weekend from November 29th to December 3rd so come to Wickford Rhode Island’s Festival of Lights! Festival of Lights | Voted Top 10 List of Main Streets.