Fuzzy Wuzzy Chicks- Spring is Coming
Rhode Islanders love their chickens and the RI Red is the state chicken. So it is not unusual to find some of my clients wanting to raise

3 day old fuzzy wuzzy Rhode Island chicks
chickens on their property…it is like the rebirth of life, like the season of spring. It is almost here so let us invite her in!
From the ordering of the baby chicks via over night mail they arrive, setting up the 95 degree heat lamp in a tupperware container to house them, understanding the variety of chicks they ordered (7 different chicks all of a different variety), holding these cute fuzzy, wuzzy chicks in the palm of your hand….it is a touching experience. Oh, I should say the cats are appreciating the little chicks and I hope they are not licking their chops in their daydreams!
Well spring brings new life to this new home just bought by this young couple. So much to look forward to in their lives and their new chicks lives. I am so glad I could experience it with them. It is a great share in my life for the thoughtfulness they bring to my life too.
The chicken coop is on the deck ready to move to the side yard …it will be a month or more before the chicks grow feathers and can enjoy the outside spring weather…so sweet. It is all about the season, new beginnings and new life. Enjoy what is ahead of you in all you do. Right now it is about fuzzy, wuzzy chicks- spring is coming.
Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to North Kingstown Real Estate agent for real estate in North Kingstown RI and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings, important tidbits of information and businesses well.
As a North Kingstown short sale agent, if you are having trouble paying your mortgage contact Ginny to help you through the short sale process successfully.
Waterfront, oceanfront, luxury and coastal RI real estate are her specialty but all of RI is her backyard. When you are in need of a good professional for your buying and selling needs and an internet savvy marketer who sells RI houses in this real estate market – call Ginny at 401.529.7849