Happy Father’s Day – Memories of a Dad
I like to think that I think about my dad most days and sometimes it turns into a week or so but he is never far from memory view.

Visual remembrances of a sparkly red shoe Real Estate Agent
Many of us think these ‘commercial’ days of hosting a holiday day to generate card & gift brings a huge hoax to the real meaning of the Day…it may be. However, it does make us step back for some time and think about a man who had a good or poor influence on our lives.
Certainly my memories of my Dad are of a strong man who had an exceptional talent for artistry which he chose not to continue in his years of life.
I look at the watercolor I have of the grandmother with the red haired grand daughter bonding over tea that he did when he was 21 and am amazed he would not continue with this talent.
Over the years he would do cute funny sketches for me with notes or in birthday cards but never expound on this marvelous and creative talent to share with the world. Although I do not have the drawing talent I suppose I did acquire the creative talent I brought especially to my quilting ventures. Winning blue ribbons for my Amish like quilts…my dad did pass on something of this creativity in his genes to me…fortunate I am.
So I do look at this picture he did so many years ago and thank him for the small piece of a memory visual at hand left for me and others.
Enjoy this day and cherish memories of a dad and wish him a Happy Father’s Day. When he is here you may not appreciate him enough but when he is gone you certainly do. Don’t let that time slip away. Happy Father’s Day – Memories of a Dad.
Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to North Kingstown sparkly red shoe real estate agent for real estate in Rhode Island and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings, important tidbits of information and businesses well.
Hi Ginny,this is heart melting story.He’s definitely talented.I love the drawing.Thanks for sharing this to us.Keep up the good work and continue being a great North Kingstown Short Sale Agent.
Christine Pappas
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