Holiday Wishes to All

Holiday Wishes to All


This is the time of year to remember why we have Christmas or Hannukah or Kwansa or whatever holiday is a tradition to you and your family.  It is a time of remembrance for all those who are not here with us and those we are fortunate to have close by.  I send my holiday wishes to all here and hope that you may enjoy the holidays in peace as so many do not.  Why are we here?  What difference are we suppose to make in ones life or others?  We are not one of millions are we that just go about our business daily without making any impact on this world that is positive are we?   Today can be the first day to make a difference somewhere and somehow.

Happy Holidays to All

I hope you find your WHY into the 2015 year and share your good wishes and gifts with all that can benefit.  Have a wonderful holiday.

Holiday Wishes to All.


Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to North Kingstown Rhode Island luxury real estate agent for southern RI real estate and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings and important tidbits of local information. Email her at to make an appointment to discuss your real estate needs.
Waterfront, oceanfront, luxury and coastal Rhode Island real estate are my specialty but all of RI is my backyard.  When you are in need of a real estate professional and specialist for your buying, selling or relocating needs and an internet savvy marketer who sells RI houses in this real estate market, call Ginny Gorman at 401.529.7849 today.