RI Radon Levels Shift after Maine Earthquake
Radon levels in water and air are tested in a home as part of a home inspection process. It is a standard recommended
course of action by real estate agents since radon is an invisible and hazardous gas emitted from the ground. Unfortunately, it does make its way into a home depending upon where your Rhode Island home is located and the amount of rock underneath your home. Washington and Kent counties in RI have the highest levels of known radon in the state.
The EPA standard is 4.0 pci/L or greater for air quality radon mitigation when tested over a number of days.
We have no standards in RI for radon in water but usually go with MA radon levels although this can be argued but it is wise to check the water also.
See the bedrock in Rhode Island is shallow I am told by geologists and we are known for having a presence of radon in many RI towns. I can say that at least 75% of the homes I sell have a level of radon over the 4 pico curie standard set by EPA.
And the scientists will definitely debate whether radon is as unhealthy for our health ( like smoking packs of cigarettes). I tend to err on the side of caution and since it takes about $900- $1100 for a radon system to mitigate the impact to a homeowners home, I say do it. An easy corrective fix.
I googled this blog up as I noticed my radon level went from ~2-3 pci/L to 8 pci/L after the Maine earthquake. I live north of Portland in a radon belt (one of my neighbors was tested at 1200pci/L!. We were 20-30pci/L pre remediation). I didn’t associate the connection until a couple of weeks later as the higher level stayed on my mind. We had been having a lot of rain- so I thought that may have been the cause. But I had never seen the level jump up that quick and high. Eventually the realization that it was from the earthquake hit me. I have one of those electronic radon reader (it’s like a smoke alarm) which constantly reads the short/long term levels, and rings an alarm if the level goes above 4 pci/L. It took about 3-4 weeks for the level to return to pre quake readings. Anyways- wanted to share.
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