Sacred Lotus Flowers in Wickford RI?
Outside of Wickford Rhode Island off of Boston Neck Road is an amazing sight every year. In fact the sight stops cars non-stop all
day, every day for the sacred lotus flowers by 40 Web Avenue by the Hamilton Harbour condos. In a small pond is this incredible sight of massive (at least 2 feet across) of lotus flowers.

Sacred Lotus Flowers in Wickford RI?
The sight catches photographers from all over since the lotus flower blooms last for a couple of weeks and then fade. They are not to be harvested, picked or cut at all. These sacred lotus flowers are a protected plant so please abide by the law. They have thrilled viewers, botanists and photographers for years in this little space outside of Wickford Village.
They are just stunning to view. And yes, no picking allowed! Travelers come from all around to view these flowers to Wickford to take pictures of them as well as videos. They are magnificent in size and beauty that must be experienced. If you have a chance take a drive out to view them before they all fade away. Take your camera too! The amazing things you will find around RI coastal real estate continues.
Lotus Flowers in Wickford RI are for all to enjoy.
Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to North Kingstown real estate agent for real estate in North Kingstown RI and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings, important tidbits of information and businesses well.
Do you sell the sacred lotus plants in Wickford RI to the public?
Hello Ginny,I love the picture..I could smell the beautiful scent of the flower.Thanks for sharing this with us.Best of luck as top notch North Kingstown Short Sale Agent.
Jennifer Manchester
Suburban Properties of Charlotte, LLC.
Charlotte Short Sale Agents