Taos New Mexico|Artist Haven|Acuarelas Studio Gallery
Remembering my Southwest trip to New Mexico I almost forgot to

In Leandro’s studio gallery
mention and show find pictures of this talented artist Leandro M. Rodriguez. He is the owner and operator of this Acuarelas Studio Gallery right at the main town square, 125 North Taos Plaza, in Taos New Mexico.
As my friend and I toured shops there were many we chose not to step into but his was out like a fishing lure again capturing the walkabout tourist by his vivid paintings and sculputres.
Very New Mexican like and captures the true essence of this wonderful land. I heartily recommend a stop in to visit with Leandro and share in his knowledge and great works he sells.
He explained how he uses this special paint on his firings that are made in the USA and why he does. This is a story for him to tell but who knows what you get from the China pigments in paint and especially on eating dinnerware! His are made in this country non-toxic and support other local businesses.
Anyway he captured us not only by his artwork but his warmth and
Worth a stop in Taos, New Mexico! Thank you Leandro for sharing your artistry with us.
As I travel this country enjoying not only Rhode Island real estate but our stunning land, it is worth sharing notable places and people to enjoy on your travels too! Taos New Mexico|Artist Haven|Acuarelas Studio Gallery.
Ginny Lacey Gorman is your go to North Kingstown Real Estate agent for real estate in North Kingstown RI and beyond…knowing the geographic area, schools, happenings, important tidbits of information and businesses well.
Hi Ginny,Sounds like a fun day ! Thanks for always updating us with all your adventures.I always enjoy reading up all your blogs.Just want to say great job and just continue being a great North Kingstown Short Sale Agent.I wish you more success!
Christine Pappas
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