Wickford Harbor – Waterfront RI Real Estate –
Eve of the Hurricane
This picture gives a wonderful view of the Wickford Harbor still filled with boats awaiting Hurricane Sandy. We are on the eve of a hurricane and one they say they have no benchmarks to measure against.

Calm before the Hurricane
This waterfront RI real estate is a treasure to the community of Wickford Village and North Kingstown.
It is historic, charming and yes in a flood zone. There is great nerves and anticipation as we go through this pre-Halloween weekend and what the Hurricane brings to our coast line. This is unique RI real estate to treasure.
As we batten down the hatches, boats pulled out of the water at the marinas and stores boarded up by Monday, we hope we are spared the onslaught of storm surges and winds.
As Rhode Islanders we are not naive of the impact of the strength in winds and waves here.

Calm waters – Wickford Harbor
This is the way I want to remember the Wickford Harbor before and after the storm. It is our waterfront RI real estate that keeps us grounded to the shore. Wish us well and safe harbor to all. Wickford Harbor – Waterfront RI Real Estate – Eve of the Hurricane.