Explore the Waterfront Community of Duck Cove nestled in Wickford RI 02852 Well you could really call it Wickford too for the Duck Cove amazing waterfront neighborhood in North Kingstown … [Read more...]
Open House at 10 Greenway Drive North Kingstown RI 02852- November 7th
Open House at 10 Greenway Drive North Kingstown RI 02852- November 7th WARNING - Don't Miss this OPEN HOUSE at 10 Greenway Drive in North Kingstown RI 02852 on November 7th from 1-3p.m or You … [Read more...]
North Kingstown RI 02852 Homes Sold in October 2010
North Kingstown RI 02852 Homes Sold in October 2010 The North Kingstown RI 02852 Real Estate Market Statistics for the month of October 2010 for sold homes are as follows: 16 North Kingstown RI … [Read more...]
10 Greenway Dr., North Kingstown RI 02852 – SOLD Now!
Wickford newly renovated and well appointed 1800 sq.ft ranch-Just move in! 3 bedrooms & 1 1/2 baths...Amazing living space w/huge family/living room, new baths,septic, air conditioning, … [Read more...]
Another North Kingstown Home Sold by Ginny L.Gorman 1710 Stony Lane North Kingstown RI 02852
Another North Kingstown Home Sold by Ginny L.Gorman 1710 Stony Lane North Kingstown RI 02852. This contemporary was well maintained and sold for $346,000 on 2 private acres at 1710 Stony Lane North … [Read more...]
North Kingstown RI Homes for Sale-North Kingstown RI 02852
North Kingstown RI Homes for Sale-North Kingstown RI 02852 North Kingstown RI homes for sale have the best location in RI, I believe, since they are all situated smack right in the middle … [Read more...]
Are You a Gobbler or a Sipper?

Are You a Gobbler or a Sipper? During a local forum on water usage in my town recently, I was asked are you a gobbler or a sipper of our natural resource - water? There is no doubt as a homeowner, … [Read more...]
North Kingstown RI 02852 Real Estate Market Statistics – September 2010
North Kingstown RI 02852 Real Estate Market Statistics - September 2010 The North Kingstown RI 02852 Real Estate Market Statistics for the month of September 2010 for sold properties are as … [Read more...]
Another North Kingstown RI Home Sold by Ginny L.Gorman at 27 Birchwood Drive North Kingstown RI 02852
Another North Kingstown RI Home Sold by Ginny L.Gorman at 27 Birchwood Drive North Kingstown RI 02852 It took 60 days to find the right buyer and we were in multi-bid situation twice on this … [Read more...]
Bissel Cove Neighborhood- North Kingstown RI 02852 – Outside Wickford RI by a Yard

Bissel Cove Neighborhood- North Kingstown RI 02852 – Outside Wickford RI by a Yard As the hurricane winds of Igor blow strongly from Narragansett Bay into this waterfront Bissel Cove neighborhood … [Read more...]